Staff leasing sector closes up by 4.2 percent in 3rd quarter

In the third quarter of 2017, staff leasing companies were able to fill 4.2 percent more working hours than in the previous year. This is shown by the Swiss Staffingindex, the business barometer of the staff leasing industry. Although growth in the sector slowed somewhat compared to the second quarter, it remained solid. After numerous well- known economic research institutes have revised their expectations for this year's GDP growth downward, this development is surprising. The robust business activity on the staff leasing market points to an upturn of the economic prospects and a good labor market development in the second half of 2017.

Bridging function of temporary work in the labor market.

For many jobseekers, temporary work is an important bridge into the labor market. "A good 20 percent of temporary staff were unemployed before gaining temporary work. It would have become 55 percent without this form of employment," says Dr Marius Osterfeld, economist at swissstaffing, based on the analysis of a representative survey conducted by the sector association. The employment effect of temporary work is sustainable, Osterfeld goes on to confirm: "Just 12 months after obtaining temporary work, every second temporary worker seeking a permanent job has already found the permanent postwanted."

Growth in the sector as an opportunity for employees and the economy

The growth rates of the staff leasing sector are good news in two respects. Using temporary employment, jobseekers quickly regain a foothold in working life and lay an important foundation for a rapid return into a permanent job. Secondly, experience tells us that increasing growth rates among temporary workers are an important indicator for full order books and rising employment. So concern about the growth of temporary work as a flexible form of working is not only unfounded but it is in factan opportunity for many jobseekers in Switzerland.

More information:

The next page shows the index's key data and the development of the underlying index values. Otherstatistics are available by clicking on this link.

Marius Osterfeld, Economist
Tel: 044 388 95 40 / 079 930 45 25

Blandina Werren, Head of Communications
Tel: 044 388 95 35

Source: swissstaffing, Q2/2017.

Overview of the development of the Swiss Staffingindex (basis: Q1 2012)

Source: swissstaffing, Q2/2017.

swissstaffing is the centre of excellence for staff leasing companies in Switzerland. As an employers' association, swissstaffing represents the interests of its over 370 members in matters of policy, the economy and society. swissstaffing is a social partner of CBA Staff Leasing, the contract covering the majority of Switzerland's employees.
Study of the situation of temporary workers in Switzerland
The market research institute gfs-Zürich completes regular surveys on behalf of swissstaffing. The current study can be found by clicking on this link.
