New swissstaffing president appointed at historic Annual General Meeting

At the 50th Annual General Meeting of swissstaffing, the members appointed qualified industry expert Leif Agnéus as its new president. The position was previously held by Georg Staub, the former longstanding director of the association, who has now been elected honorary president.
The Swiss Association of Recruitment Agencies is celebrating its 50th anniversary under the banner of "flexibility requires stability." For half a century, swissstaffing has been representing the interests of the staffing industry, promoting its interests, and advocating temporary work. The industry association is using this anniversary to highlight temporary work and the various opportunities and possibilities it presents, and also to demonstrate the diversity of HR services provided by recruitment agencies, such as temporary placement, permanent position placement, payroll administration, HR consulting, etc. Over the past 50 years, temporary work has come to occupy an indisputable place in the working world. Thanks to its combination of flexible work and social security – which has been proven over the course of decades – the temporary employment sector is equipped to overcome the challenges of tomorrow's labor market.


Georg Staub, honorary president of swissstaffing: After a commendable 28 years, Georg Staub has stepped down from his post as president of swissstaffing and former longstanding director of the association. swissstaffing and the entire temporary employment sector owe a great deal to his vision and accomplishments. Significant milestones along his career path include the following: the establishment of an old-age and survivors' insurance and family compensation fund as well as an industry solution for paid sick days; the ongoing development of the swissstaffing pension fund; the SQS certification of all members of the association, starting in 2000; and in 2012, his crowning achievement: the implementation of the collective agreement on staffing (declared to be generally applicable) including a training fund. Following his many years of service as director of the association, Georg Staub successfully passed the baton to Myra Fischer-Rosinger and her team in 2014, ensuring continuity in the association's growth while continuing to lead the association into the future in his role as president.

Leif Agnéus, president of swissstaffing: At the Annual General Meeting, the members elected Leif Agnéus – an accomplished specialist in the industry – as the new president of swissstaffing. He has acquired many years of extensive experience at the national and international level through various management functions, including at Kelly Services, on European committees, and as a member of the swissstaffing Board of Directors. He is multilingual and can easily communicate across Switzerland's linguistic borders. Since February 2017, he has been serving as General Manager of Manpower Switzerland.

More information:

Blandina Werren, Head of Communications
Tel.: +44 (0)388 95 35
