Temporary work explained

In the year 2017, the number of hours worked by temporary workers in Switzerland increased by 5.8 percent to over 175 million. This is not least as a result of the need for flexibilisation in the employment market and overall developments in the economy. This is a positive sign for the industry and the swissstaffing association, which is celebrating 50 years of existence in 2018. The fact that flexible working patterns and stability as a result of social security are possible has not only been evidenced in the temporary employment sector since the enactment of the CBA on Staff Leasing. swissstaffing aims to use the anniversary year to focus on temporary work and itsopportunities and staff leasing companies and their flexible offers. A specially created website is available for all those interested at www.die-temporaerarbeit.ch

Facts and figures on the temporary employment sector

These days, it is difficult to imagine the economy without flexible work; in 2017, 340,000 temporary workers worked 175 million hours in Switzerland. The proportion of temporary workers in the total number of employees in Switzerland is currently 2.3 percent.There are many reasons for temporary work and examples include re-entry into work after a long break, improving work-life balance or additional work alongside studies. For employees, temporary working patterns become a driving force for integration and employment. For companies here, temporary work is important in order to remain competitive and fill vacancies, even in times when there is a scarcity of expert skills. Today, more than two thirds of temporary workers are in professional roles.The latest study from swissstaffing reveals that companies in the temporary employment sector have undergone massive change in the last 30 years, from mere temp agencies to the current staff leasing companies.

50 years of swissstaffing

Based on the motto "flexibility requires stability", the association of Swiss staff leasing companies is celebrating its anniversary year. For 50 years, swissstaffing has been representing the interests of the staff leasing industry, promoting its interests and advocating temporary work. swissstaffing is a service centre and centre of excellence and, as an employer association, a social partner for the CBA Staff Leasing, the contract affecting the most employees in Switzerland, which sets out binding minimum standards for pay and working conditions and extensive regulations on continuous professional development, sick pay and pensions.

Times of change for the working world

Work is becoming increasingly flexible and processes more digital. As a result, the industry has taken on a range of roles. As well as staff leasing and brokering, it now offers a variety of HR services. Digitalisation has also brought new players onto the market offering innovative services which bring the existing laws and social insurance systems to their limits. swissstaffing can lend a hand here with solid solutions for the temporary employment sector - providing framework conditions which enable a balance between making work more flexible and social security both for employees and employers.


In its anniversary year, swissstaffing is launching an image campaign focussing on temporary work and staff leasing companies. The heart of the campaign is the multilingual website www.temporary-work.ch. Those interested can find cross-media guidance on the variety of opportunities and possibilities that temporary work offers, on the future of employment with interesting articles from the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI), on the various offerings from staff leasing companies and on the development of temporary work. There are lots of exciting stories, useful hints and interesting facts relating to temporary work.

Further information:

Website: www.temporary-work.ch
Study: Recruitment Agencies in Switzerland 2018

Myra Fischer-Rosinger, Director
Tel: 044 388 95 40

Marius Osterfeld, Economist
Tel: 044 388 95 40 / 079 930 45 25

Blandina Werren, Head of Communications
Tel: 044 388 95 35


swissstaffing is a service centre and centre of excellence for staff leasing companies in Switzerland. As an employers' association, swissstaffing represents the interests of its 385 members in matters of policy, the economy and society. swissstaffing is a social partner of CBA Staff Leasing, the contract covering the majority of Switzerland's employees.
Studies on temporary workers and recruitment agencies in Switzerland
The market research institute gfs-Zürich completes regular surveys on behalf of swissstaffing. The current studies can be found by clicking on this link.
