Permanent Employment for One in Two Temporary Workers

Staff leasing is a controversial subject, and everyone seems to have an opinion about it. Two representative surveys conducted by gfs-zürich on behalf of swissstaffing bring new facts to the debate: one in two temporary workers seeking permanent employment were successful within 24 months of beginning their first position. In addition, nearly half of former temporary workers with a permanent position are working for one of their previous temporary employers.

At the end of 2018, gfs-zürich conducted two comprehensive surveys on behalf of swissstaffing. The first included 4153 individuals who held a temporary position via a staff leasing company in 2017, and the second involved 687 companies with and without leased staff. Swissstaffing has recorded the initial findings in a white paper entitled "Staff Leasing Between Labor Market Integration and Skills Shortages".

An Integrating Role

Companies often use staff leasing to cover short-term staffing requirements. 82% of companies utilize staff leasing for this reason. For people outside of professional life, it paves the way back into the world of work. Firstly, competition for vacancies is less fierce if the tendering phase is short, and secondly, at 42% of companies, obstacles for staff leasing positions are smaller than they are for permanent employment. "Once integrated into the company, temporary workers can impress with their performance and personality – an important step on their way back into the world of work", swissstaffing's Director Myra Fischer-Rosinger explains. The figures reflect this: 58% of skilled staff and 53% of support staff seeking permanent employment found such a position within 24 months of beginning temporary work.

Skills Shortage

A combination of flexibility, recruitment expertise, and staff management has seen the proportion of qualified skilled staff increase. 48% of the temporary workers surveyed were skilled staff, and if academics and management are included, this rises to 57%. Staff leasing companies provide internal HR departments with valuable support in this area. The general labor shortage has now made it equally difficult to recruit support staff (43% according to the survey).

Future of the Sector

There are two key developments shaping the staff leasing sector. Firstly, temporary agencies are becoming all-round staff leasing companies that are fully responsible for HR activities for parts of the workforce. Secondly, platforms such as Coople and Adia are emerging that offer short-term assignments lasting a few hours under the umbrella of temporary work, enabling the companies in question to combine flexibility with the social security of temporary employment. "The high digital signature requirements that come with staff leasing are one of the greatest challenges for the new business model", swissstaffing Economist Marius Osterfeld explains. "Nevertheless, The fields of platform work and HR management promise great growth potential for the staff leasing sector in the future."

The full white paper "Staff Leasing Between Labor Market Integration and Skills Shortages" is available for download -> Link.

For more information, please contact:

Marius Osterfeld, Economist
Tel.: 044 388 95 40 / 079 930 45 25

Blandina Werren, Head of Communications
Tel.: 044 388 95 35

swissstaffing is a service center and center of excellence for staff leasing companies in Switzerland. As an employers' association, swissstaffing represents the interests of its 400 members in matters of policy, the economy and society. swissstaffing is a social partner of CBA Staff Leasing, the contract covering the majority of Switzerland's employees
