Staff leasing sector down 6.1%

In the second quarter of 2019, the total number of working hours rendered in the staff leasing sector fell by 6.1% compared with the previous year. The Swiss Staffingindex has recorded a drop of 3.8% since the beginning of the year. This decline is due to falling demand for staff in the industrial and construction sectors. The staff leasing sector is therefore reflecting the declining growth figures for exports and the construction sector. Business in the service sector is on a par with the previous year.

Sector hit by reduced economic growth

The staff leasing sector is shrinking, even though the Swiss economy is still growing (albeit at a slower pace). Marius Osterfeld, economist at swissstaffing, explains: 'Companies often make use of staff leasing at times of peak labor demand. When growth levels are lower, tasks are increasingly covered by permanent staff, and when more staff are required, existing temporary positions are turned into permanent ones, but no new temporary staff are deployed.' However, future prospects remain good. Economic forecasts currently indicate a short period of economic weakness, rather than a long-term downturn.

Further Information:

More statistics can be found at this link.

Marius Osterfeld, Economist
Tel: 044 388 95 70 / 079 930 45 25

Blandina Werren, Head of Communications
Tel: 044 388 95 35

swissstaffing is a service centre and centre of excellence for staff leasing companies in Switzerland. As an employers' association, swissstaffing represents the interests of its 400 members in matters of policy, the economy and society. swissstaffing is a social partner of the CBA on Staff Leasing, the agreement covering more employees in Switzerland than any other.

Studies on temporary workers and recruitment agencies in Switzerland
The market research institute gfs-Zürich completes regular surveys on behalf of swissstaffing. The current studies can be found by clicking on this link.
