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  • New President for the swissstaffing Association of Recruitment Agencies
  • 27.07.2024
  • Annual Report 2023
  • 27.06.2024
  • Wake-up call: Workers want more flexibility in their jobs
  • 28.05.2024
  • Swiss Staffingindex: negative start to the year for the temporary and permanent employment markets
  • 30.04.2024
  • CBS Staff Leasing 2024-2027 – Wording of the Law
  • 23.02.2024
  • CBA Staff Leasing 2024–2027 – Flyer
  • 22.02.2024
  • Swiss Staffingindex: a mixed year for staff leasing companies
  • 30.01.2024
  • Higher Minimum Wage for Temporary Workers: The Biggest Collective Bargaining Agreement in Switzerland Has Been Renewed for Four Years
  • 16.11.2023
  • Swiss Staffingindex – Staff leasing market down just under 8 percent
  • 31.10.2023
  • Factsheet – Staff Leasing in Switzerland
  • 07.09.2023
  • Swiss Staffingindex – Labor shortage impacts staffing service providers
  • 28.07.2023
  • White Paper – Safety Nets and Lifelines: How temporary work promotes integration in the labor market and safeguards flexible work
  • 03.07.2023
  • Temporary Workers in Switzerland 2022
  • 03.07.2023
  • Annual Report 2022
  • 28.06.2023
  • Swiss Staffingindex – Economy and labor shortage having negative impact on temporary staffing via staffing service providers
  • 28.04.2023
  • Factsheet – Revised Federal Act on Data Protection (revFADP)
  • 08.03.2023
  • Swiss Staffingindex – Bilancio annuale 2022: forte impennata, decisa frenata, scatto finale inatteso
  • 31.01.2023
  • Swiss Staffingindex – Waiting for a Downturn in the Staffing Services Sector
  • 27.10.2022
  • QAS – Licensing terms
  • 03.10.2022
  • Articles of Association & Regulation – swissstaffing
  • 21.09.2022