White Paper – More workers thanks to autonomy. Workers want more flexibility.

The current shortage of labor and skills is set to get worse in the years to come. Employees will thus increasingly be able to call the shots on the labor market.

A representative survey of 1230 people of working age shows in this White Paper:

  • that flexibility, especially when it comes to the organization of working hours, is key for workers.
  • In actual fact, there is a discrepancy between demand and reality. Employers will have to make work flexible to obtain and keep staff.
  • The risk of migration is real: Even though most workers are happy in their job, almost half would be prepared to move if the right opportunity arose.

Temporary work as a flexible form of work helps increase earning potential on the Swiss labor market. First off, thanks to their low entry thresholds, staffing service providers integrate the non-working population into the labor market. Second, their business model already enables flexible working. 

Six portraits and three bestpractice examples illustrate what this looks like in practice and how companies and workers can both benefit from innovative solutions. Flexible work is the answer to making the most of the domestic earning potential and mitigating the labor shortage. As a pioneer of flexible working, temping contributes to this solution and helps manage the future challenges of the labor market.
