Media Releases

  • New swissstaffing president appointed at historic Annual General Meeting

    At the 50th Annual General Meeting of swissstaffing, the members appointed qualified industry expert Leif Agnéus as its new president. The position was previously held by Georg Staub, the former longstanding director of the association, who has now been elected honorary president.The Swiss Association of Recruitment ...

  • Weak franc and strong economy boost staff leasing sector

    The economic revival is leaving its mark on the Swiss employment market. Thanks to healthy order volumes and stable consumption, companies across all industries are hiring new employees. In the first quarter, this trend can be seen in the rising order volumes of private staff leasing companies. The number of hours ...

  • Temporary work explained

    In the year 2017, the number of hours worked by temporary workers in Switzerland increased by 5.8 percent to over 175 million. This is not least as a result of the need for flexibilisation in the employment market and overall developments in the economy. This is a positive sign for the industry and the swissstaffing ...

  • Staff leasing employment driver creates 5,000 new jobs

    More than 5,000 new jobs were created in Switzerland in 2017 as a result of temporary work. The number of working hours rendered increased by 5.8% compared with the previous year. After two crisis years, the sector is thus sending a positive signal for overall economic development: experience shows that at the ...

  • Staff leasing sector closes up by 4.2 percent in 3rd quarter

    In the third quarter of 2017, staff leasing companies were able to fill 4.2 percent more working hours than in the previous year. This is shown by the Swiss Staffingindex, the business barometer of the staff leasing industry. Although growth in the sector slowed somewhat compared to the second quarter, it remained ...

  • Impressive 6.9% growth in the staff leasing industry in the 2nd quarter

    The Swiss economy is recovering. This is great news for the approximately 800 staff leasingcompanies in Switzerland, which recruit temporary staff for large corporations and SMES in all sectors. According to the Swiss Staffingindex, the number of hours worked by temporaryworkers rose by about 6.9% in the second ...

  • New industry barometer: staff leasing industry up 1.9% in 2016

    Swiss staff leasing companies provided 1.9% more working hours in 2016, as demonstrated by the Swiss Staffingindex recently launched by the industry association swissstaffing. This index draws on business figures from approximately 200 Swiss staff leasing companies. With 3.3% more hours worked in the first quarter of ...

  • Media corner

    Temporary work performs a number of functions in the market: for employers, it provides flexibility and cover for absences, whilst for job seekers it provides an entry into employment or serves as a temporary solution.Manpower agencies act as intermediaries, ensuring that the needs of both groups are met.In its ...